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Ghost Orchid

Credit to Jim Osberg for his "Super Ghost"

When the ghost orchid was noticed for the first time at Corkscrew Swamp, it was a phenomenon of international interest; yet, Neev, a beautiful Irish model searching for her roots among family secrets, unwrapped her own mystery of love, lies and redemption caught in the mystique and mystery of that rare and endangered flower.

Neev's love of photography brought her to the other side of the camera lens and to exotic locations around the globe. Working on assignment with famous photographer Roger Andrew, she often trekked deep into the jungle in search of rare flowers.

Having a young, beautiful woman as a partner seemed like a good omen, and Roger thought their travels together could lead to a unique discovery. In spite of the age difference, their shared passion soon blossomed into a loving relationship. He wondered why someone so young would crave this nomadic, isolated lifestyle. Although Neev did share bits of information about her family, she always kept parts of her past a secret.

After a series of odd coincidences that led them to the ghost orchid, they discovered the sensuous orchid wasn't just rare and beautiful, it also had a strange mystical power...